Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Setlist

Unchanging (walkin)

All Because of Jesus (Fee)
Let the Praises Ring (Brewster)
There is Nothing Like (Hillsong)
Gifted Response (Redmen)

Unchanging (Tomlin)

It was a full of our vocalists was ill last minute, but Dan really stepped up and carried the harmony, so for only 2 voices we felt strong...Unchanging was a great ending song to go along with Pastor Matt's message about unity-and I wish we could take credit by saying we planned that out ahead of time...

The combination of "There is Nothing Like" with "Gifted Response" both in the key of C created a powerful moment drawing our attention to the fact that God's love is personal, yet holy..."Father we cannot come to you by our own merit"...

Lastly, Pastor Collin grabbed a quick clip on his iphone (more proof that I need to make the financial sacrifice for one) of the impromptu drama element before the messsage...take a look:


Zach W.-drums


Check out other great worship thoughts at The Worship Community Blog's Sunday Setlist

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Setlist


Prince of Peace (walkin)

O Church Arise (Getty)
Fairest (Packiam)
Revelation Song (Kari Jobe)
I Will Rise (Tomlin)
Stronger (Hillsong)

We tossed in "Prince of Peace" last minute unrehearsed, which is always a great response to God's attributes song, and really started the morning off with focusing our attention on God first. It was only our second Sunday ever singing "O Church Arise" but I feel like it was very singable even with the choir alone (no vocalists in mics), which back at Easter it had a more choir performance to it. The transition from "Fairest" to "Revelation Song" was powerful, and having the choir sing "oohs" underneath Stephs soloing the first verse was a great effect to the song.

What I was most thankful for was seeing how everyone involved, from the tech, to the 20 plus member choir (praise God), as well as the worship there was a great sense of community, and humble service toward one another. I began worship by sharing this passage from Romans 15:

"May our dependably steady and warmly personal God develop maturity in you so that you get along with each other as well as Jesus gets along with us all. Then we'll be a choir—not our voices only, but our very lives singing in harmony in a stunning anthem to the God and Father of our Master Jesus!" (The Message)

Laura-keys/choir director
Matt-acoustic 2
Tim-bass (with the new Rondo bass thanks to Doug)


Check out other great worship thoughts at The Worship Community Blog's Sunday Setlist

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday Setlist

How Great Thou Art- walkin instrumental

My Savior Lives- Packiam (A)
Our God Saves- Baloche (C)
Lead Me to the Cross- more like Chris and Conrad version (G)
Jesus Messiah- Tomlin (G)

How Great Thou Art- Baloche (A)

This was week 3 of attempting a walkin song...the sax took a strong lead on the melody for "How Great Thou Art"...for the most part having a song start before the hour has really helped bring people in to be more on time, however the only issue we are still facing is the quick turn around between 1st and 2nd service which doesn't give much space for us to start early...1st ending at 10:20, and 2nd service beginning at 10:30...

The first two songs really set the pace for an energetic time of worship. The transition was quick and seamless with just a 4 count on the high hat..."Lead me to the Cross" felt a little high, but I could hear the 2nd service sing out, especially when we ended with just the chorus...all in all a solid worship set.



Check out other great worship thoughts at The Worship Community Blog's Sunday Setlist

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday Setlist

Awesome is the Lord Most High (Tomlin)

Let God Arise (Tomlin)
Open up the Sky (Deluge)
Hosanna (Baloche)
How Deep the Father's Love for Us (Townend)

Tons going on this weekend for worship. We started a new series which meant there was a new set and staging. I was wrestling with having the drums on the left instead of center, but after seeing it in place I was sold. Ginny did an amazing job with getting the logo up, and whenever there's a new setup it really builds excitement and communicates we are intentional about worship.

We decided to try a walk-in song again to see if it truly does encourage the church to get in on time for worship. I have noticed some improvement happen. "Let God Arise" finally seems to be connecting with the church, but I was blown away that "Open up the Sky" was immediately singable for its first week. Both Jill and Steph did a solid job leading verses in "How Deep the Father's Love for Us."

It was also our fall worship vision/planning lunch after second service. There was great attendance, plenty of food, and a great sense of community. Thanks for everyone pitching in to make this happen, as well as the great conversations that took place.



Check out other great worship thoughts at The Worship Community Blog's Sunday Setlist