Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sunday Setlist

Your Grace is Enough- G (Maher)
Our God Saves- C (Baloche)
There is Nothing Like- C (Hillsong)
Advent Candle
Come Thou Fount Come Thou King- C (Gateway)

We came into the weekend without a rehearsal during the week because of Thanksgiving...but the team did an amazing job of coming ready to serve, give, sing and worship...Todd did the greeting and lead "Your Grace is Enough" which brought great energy and excitement along with the theme that God is still good enough even if we don't get what we want in life- which is the same for worship...since the next songs were in the same key, we took some time to enjoy the words and lay them before God along with our hearts...actually during our morning run through we decided to begin "There is Nothing Like" with the bridge praying out the words: "I'll love you forever, Lord"

For the advent candle lighting, we decided to post some questions on the screen to give people a chance to reflect on what they are hoping for this Christmas season...which took us right into "Come Thou Fount Come Thou King"...and as always, Vista really belted out the hymn...we tagged our worship time with the end of the last verse offering our hearts for God to seal it for His purposes...

Todd- keys/vocals
Liana- vocals
Zach W.- drums
Austin- perc
Jeff- electric
Dave- bass
Zach- acoustic/vocals
Larry- sax

Dillan/Tommy- media
Sean- sound


Check out other great worship thoughts at The Worship Community Blog's Sunday Setlist

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Praise Night

Today is the Day

Prince of Peace
Real Stories

Real Stories

Now Thank we all our God
Great is Thy Faithfulness

I am Free
O Come All Ye Faithful
Jesus Messiah

It was really the heart of the choir volunteers to want to come back for our Thanksgiving Praise Night...we gave them the option of whether to sing only in the morning or just lead that evening, but their response was to do both...

We had a quick run through of the songs, and kept things very loose as far as planning...Pastor Greg did an amazing job of bringing a light-hearted tone to testimonies, and Pastor Van shared a solid time of the value of prayer followed by thanksgiving small group prayer time...

Since the Christmas decorations had been wonderfully started being put up, on the spot we decided to sing a verse and chorus of "O Come All Ye Faithful..." which flowed right into "Jesus Messiah" to end the night by emphasizing Christ as we enter the holiday season...it was a great night of relationships and praise...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sunday Setlist

Glory in the Highest- A (Tomlin)

You Never Let Go- A (Redman)
We Crown You- E (Fee)
Crown Him With Many Crowns- C (public domain)
No Sweeter Name- G (Jobe)


Laura did an amazing job getting the vocal parts ready for us to serve...all our vocalists were out sick for the weekend, yet everyone stepped up to sing out passionately...going into rehearsals I wasn't feeling the flow with a few new songs to lead, however once we started in, it became obvious the focused theme was Christ, which served the message in a powerful way...

"Glory in the Highest" worked well as a walkin, and it also introduced it to the church since we are planning to revisit it during christmas...going into "We Crown You" we taught the echo part to the church and explained that the focus of the song is not that we are making Christ King, it's that we are inviting Him to sit on the thrown of our lives...

I will never tire of how the church sings out hymns!...the end of the set was also powerful to just linger on singing the name of Jesus...despite some of our setbacks, all in all I was blown away by God's presence through our worship community- Praise You Oh Lord!...

Laura- choir director/keys
Doug- electric
Jesse- drums
Tom- percussion
Zach- acoustic

Pat- media
David- sound


Check out other great worship thoughts at The Worship Community Blog's Sunday Setlist

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday Setlist

Forever Reign- C walkin (Hillsong)

Let the Praises Ring- C (Brewster)
Fall on Us Now- A (Vineyard)
Sing to the King- E (Jesus Culture-ish)
New Doxology- E (Gateway)

Our focus and challenge during worship was that God has gifted us to sing- just as everyone was given an appetite to eat, he has given us a voice which we can use to worship Him...I think I borrowed this thought from a William Law book I read way back in college...I also took quote from Calvin I heard from a Kauflin podcast- that said when we sing we pray twice- which is a reminder that worship is just as much heart as it is head...

"Fall on Us Now" was new to me, but familiar with the church..."Forever Reign" will be one we will revisit during a worship set soon since the team really championed the flow and core of the song...what was really great was hearing the church sing out to the Doxology which transitioned well to the message...

Larry- sax
Zach #1- drums
Austin- percussion
Zach- acoustic/vocals
Liana- vocals
Dave- bass
Jeff- electric

Sean- sound
Pat and Dillon- video


Check out other great worship thoughts at The Worship Community Blog's Sunday Setlist

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sunday Setlist

Saviour King- 1st service walkin E (Hillsong)

O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing- E (Crowder)
Hosanna- E (Baloche)
Beautiful the Blood- A (Fee)
Mighty to Save- A (Hillsong)

This was a Sunday of changes...we switched Hosanna from G to E...our drummer stepped in Sunday morning...second service we cut the walkin to save time...but to God's glory the team handled it well, and the church didn't miss a beat- which always humbles me when reminded that worship is not dependent on my planning...

With that said, the transition from "Beautiful the Blood" to "Mighty to Save" thematically worked well...finishing with the words- Christ my Savior- immediately lead right into- He can move the mountains- we really took our time with the end of worship and enjoyed that moment engaged with God...

Doug- electric
Laura- keys
Tom- drums
Jesse- percussion
Rick- bass
Zach- acoustic/vocals
Steph- vocals
Jill- vocals

Pat- media
David- sound


Check out other great worship thoughts at The Worship Community Blog's Sunday Setlist